Sunday, February 21, 2010

Simon and the Sun

Sitting here listening to Simon and Garfunkel. Good stuff.
Today was beautiful. I always feel closer to God when the sun is out. I MUST get out in Creation and read my Bible and pray. It's food for my soul. I took a walk and listened to a sermon on my ipod. What a great invention that I rarely use haha.

Last night I sat and looked at Martha Stewart's website for tips on spring cleaning. How is that for a party? Her magazines always have awesome pictures of mansions and their green landscapes. I find myself coveting places like that and then I realize that Heaven, the new Earth, will be even more beautiful. What a picture I love to paint in my head. God made me a visual person for some reason.


Kala said...

I love love love the sun. I need it to shine here really soon! It has been raining and raining and raining nonstop for weeks. I totally know what you mean...I need the sun in my life! It definitely makes for a great time with God!

Heather D said...

That rain would really bring me down! Hang in there, hopefully the sun will arrive soon.